
Looking for a job in Amsterdam?

Temporary employment agencies (uitzendbureau in Dutch) are popular in the Netherlands. Every town has a few of those offices. The agencies are your best chance to get a job. The large agencies are: Randstad, Content, Adecco, Olympia and Tempo-Team.

Citizen Service Number

If you live in a country of the EU you are allowed to work in any other member state. In order to work in the Netherlands however you need a citizen service number (Burgerservicenummer, BSN) You don’t have to apply for a BSN. If you are registered with a Dutch municipality you will get automatically a BSN. You need a BSN for a Dutch bank account.

Work license

Highly skilled immigrants from outside Europe can get a provisional residence permit . One of the requirements is that you have an competitive income. Hom much income depends of your personal situation. How much do you need to earn? If a student graduaded and want to stay in the Netherlands then he/she must earn €2.228. The website of the Dutch Tax gives you the exact amounts.

Resources for jobs

– newspapers. The Telegraaf is the largest newspaper of the Netherlands (rightwing opinions). Other national newspapers are: the Volkskrant (leftwing opinions), Algemeen Dagblad and NRC Handelsblad.
– Official government national website for companies and people who look for a job.

Jobs in Amsterdam

If you speak only English there are still chances to get a good job in Amsterdam. The bigger companies and multinationals are always looking for highly skilled employees. English is a must and Dutch language is not required. Agencies also can use fluent english speaking staff for foreign companies. The work is not allways in an office. Often it is possible to work at home. For example with callcenter jobs or in the ICT branche. Reguirements are a good internet connection, a computer and a room where you can work on your own.